The PatCave Podcast

The Paper Brigade (1996) is DISNEY GOLD!

The PatCave Podcast Episode 16

It's fine life carrying the banner!  No Christian Bale in sight to make headlines for this newspaper delivering band of rascals.  Patrick and Alex pedal their way through the neighborhood and paint the town red...OH!  sorry....paintBALL the town red.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Join us this week on "The PatCave Podcast" as we revisit this 90's staple of our childhood and breakdown some of the wackiest moments of Disney's....wait......LEUCADIA FILM CORPORATION'S: "The Paper Brigade" (1996)

#paperbrigade #nineties #FreddyKruger #Gunther #newsies #newspaper #paperroute #Disney #wonderfulworldofdisney #squintspalledorous 

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Alex Butte (@Buttemanboots)

Patrick Clark (@Itspatclark)

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