The PatCave Podcast
Welcome to The PatCave Podcast! It’s The sidekick partner podcast to the immensely super “The PatCave! A Super Hero Talk Show”! Engage those sonic listening devices and join forces with Patrick Clark @ItsPatClark and his Co-host Alex Butte @Buttemanboots as they explore the Super Hero Industry, revisit Childhood Film & TV staples and flops, and take part in the world of cosplay, gaming, and nostalgia.
The PatCave Podcast
Little Giants (1994) deserves a Sequel!
Who's ready for a good game of FOOTBALL?!?!?! It's a Rick Moranis-palooza this week on "The PatCave!" as Patrick and Alex head for the fifty...the forty...twenty FIVE...ONE MAN TO BEAT. HE COULD. GO. ALL. THE. WAYYYYY!!!!
Instagram page:
Alex Butte (@Buttemanboots)
Patrick Clark (@Itspatclark)